
2026. “Queen Cotton: Domesticating a Tyrannical Fiber Plant, 1861-1964.” In Plants in Translation: Global Diasporas and Local Entanglements, pp. TBD, ed. Kathleen Cruz Gutierrez, Geoff Bil, and Tamara Caulkins, in review. Pittsburg, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.

2025. “Plant Humanities Pedagogy: Teaching at the Intersection of Feminist Economics and Economic Botany.” Endeavour in review. Coauthored with Savvina Chowdhury.

2022. “Bay Nuts and Pepperwood Leaves: Ethically Expanding Commercial Use of a Cultural Keystone Species.” In The Cultural Value of Trees: Folk Value and Biocultural Conservation, ed. Jeffrey Wall. New York: Routledge.

2022. “Plants as Luxury Foods: Affordability in an Environmentally Uncertain Future.” In A Cultural History of Plants, Vol. 6, pp. 39-61ed. Annette Giesecke and David Mabberley. London, UK:  Bloomsbury.

2021. “Creation of a Field Guide to Camas Prairie Plants with Undergraduate Researchers: Project-Based Learning Combined with Epistemological Decolonization.” Ethnobiology Letters 12 (1): 21-31.

2020. “Co-teaching Botany and History: An Interdisciplinary Model for a More Inclusive Curriculum.” Coauthored with Tamara Caulkins. Isis 111 (3): 1-9.

2019. “Pacific Northwest Winter Twigs: Flashcards of 30 Dormant Deciduous Trees and Shrubs.” Olympia, Washington: The Greener Store. Coedited with E. Guttman and L. Hintz.

2016Vascular Plants of the South Sound Prairies. Olympia, WA: The Evergreen State College Press. Coedited with Dr. Sarah Hamman.

2015The Tanoak Tree: An Environmental History of a Pacific Coast Hardwood. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.  Available for purchase here. Book trailer @ (3 min)

2013. “Tanoak Landscapes: Tending a Native American Nut Tree.” Madroño 60 (2): 64-86.

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